It’s Not About Smelling The Flowers

The safest, most natural thing you can do for your cat is to administer Flower Remedies. These remedies work with on the underlying emotional cause of an illness – not the illness itself.

If your cat has behavioral issues, or emotions related to an illness or injury, these remedies work to help your cat adjust and overcome her issues.
When most people think about Flower Remedies, they think of Bach Original Flower Essences. Created in the 1930’s by Dr. Edward Bach, a medical doctor and bacteriologist, these 38 plant and flower based formulas help to restore and maintain emotional balance. Originally designed for humans, it was discovered that animals respond very well to flower essences.

The most popular flower essence is Rescue Remedy. By simply putting two drops into your pets water dish, you can help your pets stay calm. Especially recommended when there is a change in environment, a move, or illness in the family.

Why Use Flower Remedies

Anyone who shares their space with a cat know that cats have a range of emotions from happiness and possessiveness to jealousy and fear. Not only do these emotions affect us, they affect the cats physical health as well. Note that most vets will agree that UTI’s can be caused by stress. So what to do do make sure your cat’s life is as stress free and happy as possible? Start by observing your cats overall personality. Although cats are emotional creatures, they don’t carry as much emotional baggage as humans do. So with some good observation, you can identify what your cats issues may be. With a little research into the flower remedies and their cures, you can start to apply remedies to correct the situation.

If you want to personalize a mixture for your cats specific issues, you would read up on the remedies and then select between one and four remedies. Fill a small mixing bottle (30ml) with spring water and add two drops of each remedy, 4 drops if you add Rescue Remedy. Shake well and give to your cat 4 drops (a quarter dropper full) 4 times a day as well as putting 4 drops in the water dish.Keep the bootle refrigerated when not in use

How Flower Remedies Work

Some remedies will work quickly, others can take longer to effect change depending on the severity of the problem. Most remedies usually work quickly on animals, and you can use a remedy mixture for 4 – 6 weeks to evaluate how the re balancing of emotional states is progressing. If you’re not seeing the results you’d like then it’s time to try a new mixture.

On a personal note, Juno was taking flower remedies with great success. It took about 2 months to notice a change take place, then he was on a maintenance plan for almost 2 years. . When the remedy ran out, he would start going back to his fear-based emotions. He’s now a much calmer and less aggressive and fearful cat thanks to the flower remedies

Read about flower essences in “Emotional Healing for Cats.” Separate treatment is still needed for any disease or symptomatic illness.