Who is Catslife?
I met my first cat, Merlot when he wandered up to the yard and impressed me with his good manners. He was about 6 months old, and while I wasn’t planning to have a cat, it just seemed like it was going to happen. I knew nothing about care and feeding of felines, so as I did research on products  I started this website as a place to share what I was learning with others – as well as an excuse to post all the pictues of him : )

This site has grown over the years to include the new crew as they wandered into my life and house, each with their own special needs. I hope you find what you’re looking for here, and if you have any comments or questions, go here.

Meet the rest of the “Catslife Crew” here.

Sycronized Sleeping Cat Finals


Worried about commercial pet foods?
What we feed our pets is probably the most significant impact we will make on their lives. Whether it’s the recent pet food scare or ongoing concerns about your pets health, if you’ve ever wanted to take matters into your own hands instead of trusting the advertising of large pet food corporations, now is the time to explore your options.

To learn more about high quality foods, or homemade food, visit our natural nutrition pages. We have the basics for a raw food recipe, and some tips for good, high quality canned food brands and nutritional enhancements.

CBD CATS  – The Experiment

CBD cats

The Cannabis Oil Experiment for Juno & Merlot

I was speaking with the vet regarding my two elderly cats and their quality of life. To be clear, they...
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CBD cats

The CBD Oil Experiment – Day 1

The Cannabis Oil Experiment for Juno & Merlot Well, the cannabis (CBD) oil was pretty easy to find, and the...
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CBD cats

CBD Oil Day 2 – The Kats are Alright

So the first night on cannabis oil results were not what I expected. Merlot stopped wheezing, no more noises coming...
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CBD cats

CBD Oil Day 3 – Cats are not loving it!

Juno wasn't looking to happy this morning so I decided to hold off on his morning dose, will give him...
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CBD cats

CBD Cats are Sleepy – Day 4

After giving both cats a late nite dose of CBD oil last night, everyone got a good nights sleep which...
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CBD cats

CBD Cats Day 5

I did not expect to see improvement so quickly since it takes about 2 weeks for the cannabis to get...
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CBD cats

CBD Cats Day 6

Last night Juno squawked really, really loudly about 1 hour after his dossage. When he squawks like that I usually...
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CBD cats

CBD Cats Day 7 – one full week!

Last night was quiet, and this morning quiet as well. If nothing else, I'm finally getting a good nights sleep...
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CBD cats

CBD Cats Day 8 – one day at a time

I'm getting a little spoiled with all this sleeping through the night and sleeping in in the mornings! And it's...
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CBD cats

CBD Cats Day 9 – 11 Status Quo Cannabis Cats

So the past 3 days have been uneventful - in that we're all getting a good nights sleep! But this...
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Prevention is Still The Best Medicine!
From alternative healing, to  preventative remedies, it’s now easier than ever to keep your cat in optimal health. Not only will your cat feel better, but you’ll enjoy less trips to the vet, less medicines, and healthier, happier felines!

Benefits of a raw food diet:
It may seem like a lot of work at first, but once you get a system down you should be able to make 2 weeks worth of frozen meals in about 20 minutes (more).

What is Alternative Healing?
Alternative healing addresses the entire body of your cats life – the body, minds, spirit, and environment. It’s an overall approach to treating any dis-ease your cat may have, or to keep your cat in optimum health (more).

 No time to be a personal chef?
If you don’t want to be personal chief to your cats, the next best thing you can do is become as finicky as your cat is regarding the choices you make (more)

Declawing is only done in the United States and Canada.
Declawing is illegal or considered extremely inhumane in dozens of countries around the world including most “civilized” nations. It is against the Conventions of the European Union.

Please Read

This web site is for informational and entertainment purposes only. has gathered this information from various sources believed to be reputable, as well as personal experiences, but accepts no responsibility for the accuracy or veracity of this material. The articles and opinions contained herein are NOT intended to convey any form of comprehensive professional advice regarding general or specific situations. For professional advice or consultation on topics discussed herein, we suggest you contact your veterinarian or other animal health care giver.

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